Monday, November 15, 2010

What a FACE!!!

So, yesterday we were at The New China Buffet for a lovely dinner and Steve decided that everyone needed to try a craw fish. David brought a plate of craw fish and french fries "in case we didn't like the craw fish!" Steve took one and began to crack it open, not be out done by her father, Megan grabbed one and dug right in. Of course when she got the head off she was wondering what the brown stuff dribbling out was!! After proving that she could hold her weight with craw fish, she moved on to crab legs. As you can see, this was a bit more difficult. I did not even know that my beautiful girl could make such a face:)
And, ta-dah, all the work was worth it. The rewards were well deserved. Needless to say, when I showed the family in the restaurant the picture, EVERYONE was looking at us because we were laughing so hard. It was a great night at the buffet for the Pratts.

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