Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seeing Uncle Travis

Here we are ready to cheer. Meet Butch the Washington State University mascot. We had just gotten to the stadium only to find out that the visitors will call was on the OTHER side of the stadium!! Well, we at least saw Butch and got some exercise:)
Here is Uncle Travis on the sidelines. I am very proud of my brother. It has been a wonderful thing for him to work in the PAC 10 (soon to be PAC 12). We have been able to see him for a game for the last 3 years. It is great to be able to have some one on one time with him, since that rarely happens during the summer. It has been great to be able to take the kids to a real football game. The experience is always good.

Stalking Butch for an autograph. Lucky for us, Butch is a nice cougar!!
We were lucky enough to have some people behind us that took our picture. I think the last time we had a family picture was 2 summers ago. Joelle was very well behaved. She inadvertently keep poking the man in front of her. Lucky for us he was very nice and understanding.
Fishy face:)
Die hard fans.

The kids and Uncle Travis. We got to see him after the game for a few minutes by the buses. They had a metal gate that blocked off the area. Joelle was playing on it and did not want to leave. I told her that if she wanted to, she could go home with Uncle Travis. She said okay. After we took the picture and began to leave, she started to cry saying "I wanna go home with Uncle Travis" She was seriously upset that I was taking her away. It was pretty cute. All in all a very busy, busy day. Joelle did really well at the stadium with using the potty. I put her in underwear and prayed that she would not have an accident, and she didn't. I think I can officially say she uses the bathroom!!

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