Thursday, December 29, 2011

Xmas Day 2011

 Santa finally got to our house.  Joelle tracked him on the computer before she went to bed.  She was very excited every time he moved closer to Arizona!  Steve and I were the first ones up this morning.  We had some nice quiet time and then decided to wake the kids up.  We played Xmas music and knocked on doors.  Joelle was so tired, it took her a minute to realize that Santa had come.  It took a few minutes for her to actually wake up! 
 Joelle's basketball hoop, David's PS3, and Megan's desk chair.
 Megan's Kindle!!

Santa got the kids exactly what they asked for.  They were very excited to begin playing with their new "toys".  I tried to surprise Steve with tickets to see Neil Diamond in August.  I hadn't purchased the tickets yet, but I put an envelope in his stocking with a piece of paper that had Neil's picture on it.  I just knew this year I was finally going to get him!   He looked at the paper and laughed.  He was surprised I knew about the concert and he already had his feelers out.  He was working on getting us tickets too!!  I guess it just goes to show great minds think alike!! 

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