Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Aftermath

Joelle has taken so many photos that I have had to download the camera 3 times.  She likes to just point and click at anything and everything in her wake.  The cool thing is that the camera came with some neat scrap booking software. 

She LOVES her basketball hoop.  She is constantly wanting to play.  I taught her to aim for the center of the square to make a basket.  Now when she asks me to play with her she tells me to aim for the middle of the square to make a basket.  She is too funny.  I think I finally have my basketball player.  She should be tall enough!
Her new baby is a favorite.  She asked me if I wanted to play mommy with her.  I told her I was a mommy already, I was her mommy.  To which she quickly replied that she was her baby's mommy so we were both mommies!! 
The reason David is not looking at the camera is because he couldn't take his eyes off his new PS3.  The games he got are pretty cool, almost like mini movies.  At one point or another we were all watching him play! 
Once we got Megan some books and some games the Kindle became a part of her arm.  I don't think she even went to the bathroom without it!  I must admit, I think I am jealous of her Kindle.  There are so many books you can get for FREE! 
The girls in their matching hats.
Poor Joelle was so tuckered out from Christmas Eve and all the excitement of Christmas day that she fell asleep while watching a movie.  I even crawled into the chair with her, moved her around, and got to cuddle with her.  She never woke up.  It was a great day!

Xmas Day 2011

 Santa finally got to our house.  Joelle tracked him on the computer before she went to bed.  She was very excited every time he moved closer to Arizona!  Steve and I were the first ones up this morning.  We had some nice quiet time and then decided to wake the kids up.  We played Xmas music and knocked on doors.  Joelle was so tired, it took her a minute to realize that Santa had come.  It took a few minutes for her to actually wake up! 
 Joelle's basketball hoop, David's PS3, and Megan's desk chair.
 Megan's Kindle!!

Santa got the kids exactly what they asked for.  They were very excited to begin playing with their new "toys".  I tried to surprise Steve with tickets to see Neil Diamond in August.  I hadn't purchased the tickets yet, but I put an envelope in his stocking with a piece of paper that had Neil's picture on it.  I just knew this year I was finally going to get him!   He looked at the paper and laughed.  He was surprised I knew about the concert and he already had his feelers out.  He was working on getting us tickets too!!  I guess it just goes to show great minds think alike!! 

Christmas Eve 2011

 Time to make dinner!  Megan is using her new cutting board to get the salad ready. 
 David is taking lessons from Steve on how to make brown chicken.  Maybe someday soon the kids will be making the evening meals:)
 After dinner we get to open a few gifts from each other and maybe a gift or two from grandparents. 

As you can see, the kids love getting to open a few presents early!  After we opened the presents, Megan, Joelle, and I went out to look at lights.  Joelle was so excited about EVERY house with lights.  It didn't matter how many they had, she was yelling about the lights.  I drove around trying to find houses that would wow her and impress her.  It turned out that she was impressed by them all.  By the end of our drive she was fast asleep and Megan and I got to enjoy some really done up houses! 
Once I had Joelle in bed Steve, David, Megan, and I settled in to watch Disney's A Christmas Carol.  Steve ended up heading to bed and Megan fell asleep about half way through.  David and I stuck it out till the end.  I love traditions. 

Making Music!

Megan had her winter band concert at Perry High School on Dec. 15th.  She plays the clarinet.  She also had a speaking part to introduce one of the songs that they performed.  The 6th graders have come a long way since last year.  They are really sounding good!!

Making Cookies

Joelle and Megan had a good time decorating cookies on Christmas Eve.  They were icing them as fast as I could bake them.  By the time they finished, Joelle had mastered the art of shaking sprinkles.  Her first few cookies had to be picked up and brushed off!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Baby is FOUR!

I can't believe that it has already been four years since I was blessed with my precious baby girl.  She has grown so much in the last year.  She constantly amazes me with all that she knows.  Just the other day she was in her booster seat and she banged against the seat and made a grump sound.  I asked her what was wrong and she informed me that she was "frustrated".  I asked her why and she explained that she was trying to reach forward to touch the back of my seat, but the seat belt wouldn't let her!!  Steve and I were blessed with such a wonderful, smart, beautiful little girl.  She has grown so much in the last year.  She soaks up new information like a little sponge.  She is also so kind and willing to share just about anything-even candy and treats!!  I can remember the day I went into labor like it was yesterday.  The anticipation of her delivery was more than I could stand.  Last night as I put her to bed, I realized that at that time 4 years ago she was still being her stubborn self and not wanting to come out.  She was well worth the 21 hour wait!  I couldn't have asked for a better daughter.  She is the light of our lives and keeps us young as well as laughing.  A day doesn't go by that she doesn't amaze me and make me laugh out loud.  Four years ago when I held her in my arms for the first time I would not believe that I could ever love her more than I did in that moment....but I do.  Everyday I love her more and more.  Thank you Joelle for being the BEST part of my life.  I love you baby girl. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Joelle's Party

Joelle had her first birthday party with friends from school this year.  We had the party at Peter Piper and she LOVED it!!
The kids had plenty of pizza and cupcakes! 
As you can see, she was very happy!
She got a bunch of terrific gifts as well. 
And she even let her friends get in on the action. 

The best part was that the kids had a wonderful time playing the games and trying to get tickets!  There is also a big slide that they played on the whole time.  I think their favorite game was the claw machine.  Most claw machines have little stuffed animals in them, but this one had candy!!  The kids practically fought over who got to go next.
Joelle tried and tried to do the skee ball, but she was never able to get the ball in to score!

I finally have a basketball player!!  She LOVED this game and she even had some form to go with it.  Whenever there is basketball on the TV she always she loves basketball.  I guess we need to get her on a team!  All in all she had a terrific day.  Her friends from school had a great time and that made it a wonderful day for her. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Seeing Santa


We went to a Holiday Boutique at Coronado Elementary school when who should appear??  At first Joelle wasn't sure she wanted to talk to Santa, I think the lure of baked goods won out.  When she had had her cupcake, she was ready.  They had a very nice talk about what she wanted for Christmas and to my surprise, she wants a basketball.  I guess it was a good thing that she had her talk with Santa!
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 The best part of going to Steve's holiday party is being able to spend time with his family!  We were able to spend a lot of time with our nephews Dorian and AJ.  David had a great time hanging with his older cousins. 

Joelle had a great time playing with Kylia.  The girls sang songs and enjoyed each others company while Steve and I were at the party.  It is so nice that Joelle has a little cousin to play with.  The girls got along really well.

Cousin Jennifer came to visit us on Sunday at Grandma's house for Sunday dinner.  She moved to Colorado last year and just recently moved back to Cali so we hadn't been able to see her in awhile.  It was wonderful having time to talk and catch up. 
And of course there was Grandma.  Joelle loves going to Grandma's house.  She gets to sleep in Grandma's bed and thinks she is big stuff.  Whenever we are there she also likes to have tea parties.  Auntie Marie makes hot cocoa for the tea and use cookies as our crumpets.  Joelle is the hostess and she pours the "tea".  Auntie Marie taught her how to hold her pinkie out while she sips too!!  It was a wonderful weekend.  I can't wait to do it again. 

Carving the Night Away

Opps, a little late with this one:)