Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ohio here we come!

 Here is the gang.  We got to Ohio and the kids had a blast in the pool.  I can't believe I got them to all sit still long enough to take the picture. 
 We visited Grandma Hess in the assisted living facility.  It is a really nice place and she has a clean cute little apartment.  We lucked out and there was a little boy who making balloon animals and things like that.  All the kids got something and they were very patient while they waited.  There were several swords in the group and by the time we got back to Grandma's apartment, a good balloon fight was in full swing. 
 The kids had a blast in the pool at the hotel.  It was really nice to be able to let them get out some of their energy.  We were in the hotel for 3 nights and with all those kids, there really isn't a lot of room to play! 
Me and my girl!

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