Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bay Beach, Green Bay

We went to Bay Beach in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The great thing about this amusement park is that it is CHEAP!!! And seriously so. The ride tickets are 25 cents a piece and no ride is more than 2 tickets, actually most rides are only 1 ticket. The concessions are reasonable as well. The park is right on the shore of Lake Michigan. There is fun for everyone!! David and Megan enjoyed the bigger rides and the little kids had a great time on their rides. I took Joelle down the big slide and as we went down the first drop she said "My no like it Mommy." I was very happy that she was able to finish without crying. She really liked the rest of the rides, but the shark airplane was her favorite. After she rode in it for the 3rd time, she got out walked to the front of the plane and kissed it. She walked to me and said "I love my shark." All in all, it was a terrific day.

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