Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Family Day for Shamrock Foods!

What a wonderful idea for a company picnic!  Shamrock foods held their Family Day at Castles and Coasters in Phoenix.  Employees and family had the park to themselves from 9am-2pm.  The kids had a blast.

 Joelle had a ton of fun riding all the kiddie rides.  She wasn't a big fan of any of the larger rides.  She takes after her sister Megan in that respect!

 A family ride!
 Megan being the awesome big sister that she is:)
 The girls are ready for the rope climb.  Um, guess not, once Joelle saw how high it was and where they had to go, she backed out!

David is ready for the zip line!
And there he goes.  We had a great day having fun and eating till our hearts content!

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