Sunday, May 15, 2011

Baby and Me

Had a wonderful weekend with Joelle. Steve is out of town for his company's retreat in Seattle and the big kids were with their mom. Joelle and I just hung out all weekend long. My friend Tracie gave us some playdough toys and I got her playdough. She played with it all day long. I couldn't get her away from it. Whenever I checked on her and would be walking away, she would give me winks and we would blow kisses to each other. She was so excited to show me all the things she was making. She is growing up so FAST!! I really enjoyed the one on one time with her. She isn't my little baby anymore:( It was a terrific mother-daughter weekend. I am sad to see it go, but I am also looking forward to only a few more weeks of school so that we can hang out for the summer!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. As I think back on all the wonderful things my mother has done for me, I feel very lucky to have a mother like her. I was raised properly even if I did not think so at the time. It is so true what they say, as a child, you think your parents know everything, then as a teenager you think you know everything, but by the time you have your own, you realize that your parents really did know everything and you wonder how you could have every doubted it. As a daughter, I think mother's day is a terrific way to pay homage to my mother. As a mother myself, I find myself thinking that this day is a day to be grateful and thankful that I have been lucky enough to call myself a mother. Being a mother has given me so many blessings from being proud of the accomplishments of my kids to recalling the moments that I was able to feel Joelle growing inside me. Steve and I brought life into this world and now we get to watch Joelle grow. She puts smiles on face multiple times a day and she makes my heart swell with love just as often. On this mother's day, I will be thankful that I can call myself a mom.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Crazy Things Joelle Does

So, apparently Joelle is in LOOOOVE with herself! The master bedroom has a walk in closet with a mirror in the bathroom. After a bath Joelle likes to put her own lotion on (with two hands). Lately she has taken to standing in front of the mirror and rubbing lotion on her belly singing Scrub, scrub, scrub-a-dub while shaking her behind. After a few rounds of that, she changes it up a bit and sings String, string, string-a-ding while pretending to pluck an invisible string on her belly. She smiles and makes faces while she does this in the mirror. The best part is that when she changes her song, she changes her foot work too! Of course I have this all on video as blackmail for when she older and needs to be reminded that she is still my baby, but I can't post the video as I might end up in jail. Last night she changed it up a bit. When she finished singing, she looked right into the mirror and placed her hands on her belly and very seriously bowed a little and said Thank You, then turned and bowed again and said Thank You. I think the Fresh Beat Band is truly having an effect on her! It is so much fun to see her personality continue to develop and I can only imagine what we are in for in the future.

Daddy and Joelle

Joelle and Daddy playing together!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Green Beans Anyone?

So, David is NOT a vegetable eater. We have to make him take a spoon of veggies when we have them. At Grandma Pratt's there were green beans for lunch. David and Megan decided to have a little competition. OH, Megan likes green beans. Seems like an unfair competition. See how it plays out.