Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ohhhhh, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!

One recent night some friends came to play. Reggie came to play with Daddy and Mason and KiKi came to play with Joelle. The girls were just so excited to hang out! They broke out the pretty princess dresses and showed us how they could dance. They got out lots of books and Joelle read her Dora book to KiKi. They really enjoyed making up the story. They colored and colored and colored some more. They even played princess with Joelle's castle. When it was way past bedtime, KiKi had to leave. Joelle was so bummed that she wouldn't even say goodbye! Needless to say, I got so much of enjoyment out of Joelle being old to "play" with a friend. She is growing up so fast and I can't figure out where all the time went.

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