Monday, July 13, 2015

Irvine Park

After Action City we headed to Dairy Queen to get lunch.  
These girls just love each other!
After lunch we went to Irvine Park to play and see some animals.  The kids showed off their gymnastics skills.

There is a little pond with lots of ducks geese.  They really don't want to be fed, but they are fun to look at.  
This lovely was an animal that used to be a pet so she just hangs out and even lets you pet her a time or two.  

Joelle any and all animals.  This donkey was a little skittish, but she came right to Joelle and Joelle said that is because she knows I love animals!!  
You can see the joy on her face as she interacts with the donkeys.  Makenna wasn't so sure she liked the donkey.  

Girls on a bear!

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