Friday, June 5, 2015

Celebrations of Learning and Readers Theater

Joelle has been practicing her role as Narrator 2 for a couple of weeks.  We have all gotten roped into helping her.  I am pretty sure we could all recite The Real Story of the Three Little Pigs.  
 I was very proud of Joelle as she read her part.  She was reading ahead and then she would put the paper down so she could look at the audience.  

 Joelle and one of her besties, Avery.
 Joelle received the writing award!  She has really begun to enjoy writing stories.  Non fiction tend to be her favorite.  She has written 3 books so far, The Three Puppy Fairies, Nocturnal Animals, and she is working on a book about habitats.  She loves nature and loves to learn all she can.  
 Here is M.K. and C.K. the Wild Kratt brothers!  Joelle and her friend Jagger both love the show the Wild Kratts and they discuss their favorite episodes.  Jagger is Martin and Joelle is Chris.  
A proud mother and her very special daughter!!

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