Monday, May 25, 2015

Our 10 Year Renewal of Vows

How amazing that so many family and friends came to Vegas to help us celebrate our 10 year anniversary by renewing our vows.  Vegas weddings did an amazing job and the Gazebo Terrace was the perfect location.  Don't the kids clean up great!!

I just love this photo.  
And here I walk, toward the man I have been walking toward for 10 years.  Ready to commit all over again.  Ready for another 10 years and then 10 more after that, and 10 more after that as many times as possible.  

The venue was so beautiful.  We said our own vows again and I did not write mine out or rehearse them at all.  I just spoke the truth and what I felt.  To be lucky enough to have met someone that you know will be there for you no matter what is amazing and knowing that we have made it through the first 10 years with every curve ball we received we can make it through everything and anything.  
Sealed with a kiss...
And the happy couple make their second walk down the aisle as husband and wife.  

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