Friday, October 10, 2014

Bonding Time part 2

 Tea Cup Time!  This ride spins around and around and around!  It was hard to get good pictures of this ride!  
 Megan and Michaela are so tall that they barely fit in the cups!  It was hysterical to watch them try to get situated!  
 Michaela did the spinning and Megan just held on.  At one point she even closed her eyes!!
 The Indy Car track!  The girls waited in line for a LONG time to get to drive the cars.  It was at least 45 minutes of wait time for about 5 minutes of fun!!  There was a competition going on, Megan and Michaela were both gunning to be the winner.  

 Well, even though Megan's car was let out first, apparently the worker did not click their car into race mode so Michaela and Joelle ended up in front of her.  

 After the rides were done, it was game time.  Michaela and Megan played this Jurassic park game until they beat the game!  

 Before we called it a day the girls had to play Laser Play!  I think Maya ended up winning!

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