Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Megan's Sweet 16- Part 3

And finally the big day, the day she turned 16!!!

I know I give you probably the hardest time and I give a lot of tough love but I just want you to know that I do love you and I am proud to call you my baby sister. I'm proud of all that you have accomplished and have yet to accomplish. I know I'm older than you but I would never be where I am today without having you push me to become a better person. Happy sweet 16 Megan Pratt!   from David Pratt we are. Another milestone, my little girl is turning 16 years old. Where did the time run? Happy Birthday to my Megan Pratt. The sweetest, smartest, prettiest girl anyone will know. My Jewel that I warn everyone not to mess with. I will always look out and protect you my sweetie. Love you very much....Dad.

16 years ago a wonderful little girl was born!! She has grown into a caring, beautiful, talented young lady. She is the best big sister any little sister could ask for! And she is the best little sister any big brother could ask for!! We are so proud of you Megan Pratt and cannot wait to see all the amazing things in your future! Happy Birthday!  Love, Stacy

Megan's Sweet 16- Part 2

Megan's party was the next night.  All her friends came over and they had a great time.  Kathlene and Megan did a great job planning the party and Megan had a great time!

Happy Sweet 16 Megan!! Part 1

Megan began her Sweet 16 party weekend with a dinner at The Cheesecake Factory!  She looked beautiful!!

First Horse Show

I have a couple of students that ride in horse shows and Joelle and I have been dying to check a show out, so this weekend was perfect!  Here is my student Cassidy, her horse Teddy and Joelle.  

Joelle loved the show and wants to take lessons again.  She loved the fact that all the horses at the show are so well behaved and used to people that you can just walk up and pet them.  
Oh, did I mention that the farm next to the Ranch had giraffes?  It did. 

Fall Break-Megan

A day hike with Ashley!

Picking up a friend from the airport!  These girls are so fun!

My Little Super Hero


The things kids think of.  This summer while we were in Wisconsin Joelle didn't like the fact that the rabbits ate Grandma Ginny's flowers and that made Grandma Ginny want to get rid of them...permanently!  
Out of the blue, Joelle brings me this picture and tells me to text it to Grandma.  Joelle has thought of a way for the rabbits to not eat the flowers and then Grandma won't want to kill the rabbits!  She said Grandma just had to plant carrots with the flowers for the rabbits to eat.  I love that she even has a thought bubble of the rabbit thinking of carrots!  This kid!!

Me: Joelle would you like to play basketball next?
Joelle: According to my calculations, I have played soccer more than basketball, so yes I would like to play basketball.
Well duh!!

Getting My Paint On

I was getting restless during the last few days of the break and decided to break out the canvas and paints that I had.  Okay, so I didn't paint these free hand, there is nothing better than getting a silhouette you like and cutting it out.  These turned out pretty good if I do say so myself!!
Horses for Joelle's room...
That is actually Megan shooting the ball....
For my classroom...
Patches!  This is the only one that I did free hand.  Not to bad.  It looks great in my classroom and the students are impressed!

The Movies

Oddly enough, one of the few movies that I don't have to talk Joelle into going to.  A good movie is always a part of our Fall break!  

Merchant Square Fun!

Joelle is always down for a visit to an antique shop!  We spent about 2 hours here and I had to make her leave.  She LOVES any of the old phones and has to use each one!  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sleep Over Fun!

Golf Lessons

Joelle started taking lessons with the First Tee of Phoenix to learn how to play golf.  She loves it and is so excited to learn more.  We had to get her a hat because the sun is still so bright at 4:30.  We found one she liked and headed out to practice!
The kids have to carry their own clubs and walk all the way to the putting practice area.  
After practice she is all smiles:)

The Wild Kratts Live!!

Joelle received an early birthday present this year!  We got her tickets to The Wild Kratts Live show at Comerica Theater.  She is completely obsessed with the PBS show and has seen every episode at least 3 times, plus, she remembers all the information about the animals she sees.  It is a really great show.  
And we are off!  Joelle had to wear a green shirt and blue shorts because Chris' favorite color is green and Martin's favorite is blue!

It was so fun to run into her bestie Ava at the show.  These girls are CRAZY when they get together.

I am not sure who had more fun, me or her!  I just loved seeing how excited and happy she was during the show.  She was shouting out answers and participating.  There really is no greater joy than watching your child be joyful!!  

Joelle was pretty impressed with the downtown area!