Thursday, December 26, 2013

Visiting Santa and His Wonderland

We had breakfast with Santa this year.  At first Joelle did NOT want her picture with Santa, but once she had time to settle in and relax, she was grabbing my arm telling me I am ready now!

Wish I knew what they were discussing!

After breakfast, we went to Santa's Wonderland in the Bass Pro Shop.  This is why there are hunting games!
Joelle was channeling her inner hunter, Steve says it must be from my side of the family!

They even had a reindeer carousel for her to ride.  
When we got home the Christmas spirit continued while we made cookies.  Joelle did the frosting and the decorations.  
Ooops, she got caught eating one!

And here are the fruits of her labor!  Pretty good if I do say so myself.

My Little Princess is 6!!

WOW!  She is growing into such a beautiful young girl.  I can't believe how grown up she looks now!  She started Kinder this year and has just blossomed.  She is reading all the time.  We are so proud of her and everything that she has accomplished so far this year.  She celebrated her 6th birthday at Peter Piper with friends from her class and friends who are like family:)
Here she is making her own pizza!

She had a wonderful turn out.  The girls and boys had a great time.  They were loaded with tokens and off they went.  Once we ate, we got right to the cupcakes and presents!
I love seeing the look of happiness on her face.
She even took the time to read every card now that she can read.  

Joelle LOVES Doc McStuffins so Mom and Dad got her the check up center.  
Once we got home she was ready to roll!
The day of her actual birthday she got to open presents from Grandma Pratt and Grandpa Bob and Grandma Ginny.  Grandma Pratt gave her cash money to spend any way she wants.  Grandma Ginny and Grandpa Bob got her Hello Kitty earrings and necklace and a new pajamas with a matching pajamas for Froggy.  She is one very lucky girl!

The Snowflake Sprint 2013

Joelle and her friend Ella were thinking they weren't going to run the sprint, but when the time came, they both did!!  Each year on the last day of school before winter break, the entire school runs a Snowflake Sprint.  It is a mile in distance and the kids can walk or run.  Lots of parents turn out to run with their kids.  

Here she is running to the finish line!
And posing with the penguin AKA Mrs. Bowles, the PE teacher!

Thanksgiving with the Pratts

This year Andrew and Monique both had to work on Thanksgiving day so there were not able to host the annual Thanksgiving Party.  We ended up having a smaller get together at Mom's house.  It was great to see the nieces and nephews.  
Joelle played with cousins!

And I took a lot of pictures!  Even though it was a small gathering, it was wonderful to be able to visit and hang out with the family.  We are very thankful to have the Pratt family!

Kinder Thanksgiving Performance

Joelle's class performed several songs for the parents.  It was so cute.  Here she is with her teacher Ms. Parris.  

The usual suspects, Alexis, Ella, and Joelle

Zoo Field Trip

The entire Kindergarten went on a field trip to the Phoenix Zoo.  I was lucky enough to be able to chaperone.  Here we are on the bus and ready to go! 
Joelle with some of her friends from class.  

The petting zoo area was a big hit.  The kids got to climb on tractors and pet the animals. 

Joelle even got to milk a cow!  

We had a great day.  We got to see the Lions up and walking around and the Tiger was roaring for us.  It was pretty impressive to hear.  He was stalking in his pen and roaring for about 20 minutes or so.  The kids really thought it was cool.  I thought it was cool that I got to go with Joelle on her first field trip.  I hope it is a memory that she will remember, because I know I will!