Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Yes, can you believe it, we have to move AGAIN!! Our landlord let the house go into foreclosure and 3 weeks ago we found out the house will be auctioned on March 14th. Steve even asked him about this months ago and we were assured that he was all good and he was going to have us sign another lease this January. The thought of having to pack up is making me lazy. I get home in the evenings and I just don't want to do anything because I know soon enough I will so busy and tired! On the positive side of things (gotta keep the faith right!) we are going to try to rent a place that will be closer to the junior high for both David and Megan. It will mean less driving. Joelle will probably have to switch high schools for her daycare when the next school year starts but she would be entering into a new classroom anyway so that transition should be just fine. Well, I guess this is just another new adventure:)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!! Steve had a birthday on Monday and we celebrated over the weekend. On Friday the kids and I gave Steve our birthday cards. We wanted to surprise him and catch him off guard. He loved the cards

David was kind enough to even put some money in the card since he didn't have time to get Steve a gift. What an awesome kid:)
On Saturday Steve went golfing with friends. I have it on good authority that he whooped butt:) After golfing Steve came home and did some cooking. We had some friends over to help us celebrate and watch football bowl games.

On Sunday I surprised Steve and took him to the movies. We watched True Grit. It was a good movie, but a little slow. It was nice that we are able to put Joelle to bed and leave David and Megan in charge. I love "date" night. On Monday we ordered pizza and watched the National Championship Game together. I was a good weekend:)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Nothing Much

I really have no reason to be posting right now, other than I haven't in a while and I am feeling like I should. Christmas was great, New Years was great, and I have been back to work for a week. It's funny, when I am off of work I think I can't possibly be ready to go back. Then I spend one day back and wonder what I did all day when I was off.
Steve has been very busy with work ever since New Year's. He is always on the phone or trying to put out "fires". The kids got their report cards. David's GPA is 3.2!! We are so proud of how he is doing in Junior High. Megan had all B's. Megan is trying to be involved in as many after school activities as possible. She is in Battle of the Books, Newspaper Club, and she just joined the Running Club. David has tryouts for baseball next week. Joelle is very happy to be back at school and with her friends. When I told her she was going to be going back to school she got all excited, began jumping up and down and rattled off that she wanted to play outside at school. She is in a terrific daycare and I am so thankful that they take care of and love her. Steve's birthday is in a few days so I will have have more to say then.