Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Another Missing Tooth!

 And there goes tooth number 6.  Now she has a nice little vampire look!!  

Celebrating Dr. Suess

 All of the teachers wear this outfit for the day and the kids love it!
 There was picnic on the lawn and reading during recess to celebrate Dr. Suess!
 Celebrating with my baby:)

Here is a photo of my team!

Student Council and Megan

Megan is on Student Council.  She is part of the Spirit Committee.  Every year the school district holds a convention where all the student councils get together.  I am a sponsor for Fulton's Student Council so I was able to see her this year at Convention.  Here is a picture of the hat that she helped to create.  They even won an award for it!  

Soccer Time!

And soccer begins again.  This is Joelle's fourth season playing soccer and she loves it.  She is on a team with her buddy Hayden again.  

Huddle time with coach!

Missing: Two Teeth!

 On a Saturday Joelle comes to me and is very excited because she pulled her tooth out.  It is the 4th tooth she has lost so far.  

 And literally 3 days later she pulled out her 5th tooth!  I think she is liking the tooth fairy money:)


In the same month, David got a job and his drivers license.  We are so proud of him!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Steve took me to Vegas for my birthday this year.  Here we are at the airport waiting to get on the plane!  We were only staying for 1 night so we had to get started early:)
 We got there pretty early and had a terrific breakfast at the Peppermill.  

 BEST SHOW EVER!!  Steve got us tickets for the show Absinthe and it was amazing!  Seriously laughed out loud.  
Our seats for the show.  It was a mix of cirque acrobatics and vulgar humor.  The acts were amazing.  As you can see we were very close to the stage!  After the show we met up with some other friends that were in town for the Superbowl.  After our overnight we decided we were good with Vegas and didn't need to go back anytime soon.  Maybe for our 10th anniversary next year??  

Old Friends

 A date night for Steve and I is an unusual thing!  One of Steve's old high school friends from California was in town and we got together.  We had a wonderful time.  
Jason, Allen, and Steve

Surprise, Grandma Ginny!!

Grandma Ginny came to Arizona to visit her friend Shirley in Tucson.  They (her and 3 other friends) flew into Phoenix/Mesa airport so we were able to catch up for a quick visit at Sweet Tomatoes.  On the way to the restaurant, Joelle asked me if Grandpa Bob was here too.  I explained that Grandma Ginny came out here with her girlfriends.  Joelle got the funniest look on her face and said, "Grandma Ginny has girlfriends?"  It was priceless!!

Basketball Begins!!

The 8th grade basketball season has begun!  

Megan is a starter again this year.  Her play has really improved.  She has joined a club team that has players that are as good as her and better and she has been learning a lot from playing a higher caliber player.  

Here she is in action.

Some Random Photos!

Sports Day at School.

 Crazy Hair day!
Joelle loves playing with her new tea set.  

 Birthday party at the Roller Rink!  

Steve's Birthday

 Yes that is the enormous present that David's Christmas gift from his girlfriend came in.  We decided it would be fun to reuse it!!  

 The present was a little big for Steve to get into, but Joelle solved that problem.  She had a blast climbing in 

the entire box and fishing out her daddy's gifts!
 David made a photo collage of Steve and kids from many different times.  It was really cool.  

Megan set up the party and brought decorations and everything!  

Steve and I went on a birthday dinner at The Keg.  The night was gorgeous and the meal was good.  This is one of my favorite pictures of Steve of all time!

Celebrations of Learning!

Joelle had her first Celebrations of Learning at school.  This is where they give students awards for character and academics as well as perfect attendance.  The kids also performed a song for the crowd.  There are 6 kinder classes so you can imagine how packed the MPR was.  I was lucky enough to catch a bit of it.  She is doing so well in school and we are very proud of her!

Perfect Attendance:)  That's my girl!